This funcitons takes the master.list output from run_TrendCatcher, and merge.df output from draw_TimeHeatmap_GO and draw_TimeHeatmap_enrichR. And showing all the genes used for enrichment analysis and their logFC compared to previous break point.
time.window = "",
go.terms = "",
merge.df = NA,
logFC.thres = 2,
figure.title = "",
save.tiff.path = NA,
tiff.res = 100,
tiff.width = 1500,
tiff.height = 1500
a list object. The output from run_TrendCatcher function, contains master.table element.
a character. Must be one of the merge.df$t.name.
a character array. Must be an array of go terms from the merge.df$Description.
a dataframe. The output dataframe from output list of draw_TimeHeatmap_GO or draw_TimeHeatmap_enrichR. Use $merge.df to obtain it.
a numeric variable. The logFC threshold compared to each genes previous break point expression level. By default is 2, meaning for each gene, the current time window's expression level is 2-fold compared to previous break point's expression level.
by default is NA
figure width
figure height
A list object, including elements named GOheatmap and GOheatmapDat. GOheatmap is a ComplexHeatmap object for figure. GOheatmapDat is a data.frame include log2FC value of each gene's expression change compared to the previous break point.
if (FALSE) {
example.file.path<-system.file("extdata", "BrainMasterList.rda", package = "TrendCatcher")
time_heatmap<-draw_TimeHeatmap_GO(master.list = master.list)
go.terms<-c("regulation of defense response", "leukocyte migration", "myeloid leukocyte migration", "leukocyte chemotaxis",
"granulocyte chemotaxis", "cellular response to chemokine", "chemokine-mediated signaling pathway", "angiogenesis", "sprouting angiogenesis", "respone to bacterium", "leukocyte mediated immunity")
go.df<-draw_GOHeatmap(master.list = master.list, time.window = "0h-6h", go.terms = go.terms, merge.df = merge.df, logFC.thres = 2)